Device to manage and integrate units remotely from the Cloud.
Online control with the “Airzone Cloud” App (available for iOS and Android).
Wireless Dual Wi-Fi connection (2.4/5 GHz). Self-powered by external power supply provided. Features:
• Unit control and error detection.
• Configurable digital input for open window detection, occupancy presence or ECO function.
• Auxiliary heat control and heat source locking.
• Automatic change of the operation mode with the adjustment of two set-point temperatures.
• Temperature limitation for cooling and heating modes.
• Status, temperature, mode and speed time schedules.
• Cloud and/or wired integration with third-party smart thermostats (3PI).
• Integration: Modbus RTU/TCP or BACnet MS-TP/IP, Airzone thermostat (not available in degrees Fahrenheit), Lutron Palladiom thermostat, AirQ Box and AirQ Sensor.
• Local API and Cloud API integration services, mDNS multicast.