This device allows remote management and integration of units via the Cloud, controlled through the “Airzone Cloud” App for iOS and Android.
It features a self-powered wireless dual Wi-Fi connection (2.4/5 GHz).
Key features include:
Unit Control: Manages unit settings and detects errors.
Configurable Inputs: Supports open window detection, occupancy presence, and ECO function.
Auxiliary Heat Control: Locks heat sources and manages auxiliary heating.
Automatic Mode Change: Adjusts operation modes based on set-point temperatures.
Temperature Limits: Sets limitations for heating and cooling modes.
Scheduling: Manages status, temperature, mode, and speed schedules.
Integration: Supports Cloud and wired connections with third-party smart thermostats (3PI), Modbus RTU/TCP, and BACnet MS-TP/IP.
APIs: Provides Local and Cloud API integration services, mDNS multicast.